Silas grew up on a block which had been planted with a large mixed orchard by Italian immigrants in the 1950s. His childhood was spent observing, working and eating in the garden. He became interested in farming and agriculture in his early 20s and worked on a variety of farms, amongst other practical jobs.
Silas is passionate about organic chemical-free farming that is economically viable and improves the value of the property, whilst keeping systems as simple as possible. The opportunity to purchase Blessed Farm Group became available in Silas’ early 30s.

Purchased by Silas in 2002, Blessed Farm Group is an owner-operated 50-acre property situated in beautiful Whian Whian in Northern NSW. Five acres of cavendish bananas and other small crops were originally grown before switching to avocados, which have been harvested since 2008.
Blessed Farm Group currently has one hundred mature avocado trees and one hundred younger trees, with plans to plant another hundred. The avocado harvest season is between June and October. The yield from one hundred trees is 10 ton, six being 1st-grade and four being 2nd-grade. Blessed Farm is currently replanting a dwarf variety of banana between new rows of avocados as a companion crop. The property also supports cattle – on approximately 35 acres there are around 12 breeders.
By growing the avocados with regular pruning and a variety of ground covers, we have created a system requiring minimal irrigation and no chemicals. All fruit is picked without the use of ladders or elevating machinery. ‘The Tool’ is a fundamental part of this process.
Read all the great things people are saying about Silas Long and his avocado picking tool!

“I have been working with Silas Long over the past few years. He is a most accomplished grower of avocados, always bringing to market the highest quality produce. His farm is an absolute credit to him.

“I have known Silas for over ten years, watching his avocado orchard prosper over this time. I am very impressed with his farming techniques and levels of production.